Instructions for Authors and Presenters

Camera Ready Submissions

All submissions must be in English (PDF format) and formatted according to the single column CEUR-ART paper style.

Use the following bibstrip information:

% CC-BY is default license.
\copyrightclause{Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).}
\conference{ReNeuIR 2024 (at SIGIR 2024) -- 3rd Workshop on Reaching Efficiency in Neural Information Retrieval, 18 July, 2024, Washington D.C, USA}

Please upload these to EasyChair by Friday July 5, 2024.

Paper Presentations

Each paper will be allocated a 15 minute slot including questions; we suggest a 10+5 or a 12+3 arrangement. The final schedule will be released closer to the workshop day.

Poster Presentations

Both accepted papers and invited presentations are allocated a slot in the shared poster session. Posters should be formatted no larger than A1 (portrait).